Tuesday 10 January 2012

Workout Playlists For The Pop Challenged

The problem I have with a lot of workout videos/games and most gyms is the music they choose to play. I understand the need to have a good beat and rhythm to keep people motivated but the banal modern pop that they play these days just motivates me to tear my ears off. I've been looking for a good rock/metal playlist for a while. I'd like something I'm familiar with, but not something I really love - due to my pain levels exercise is rarely a happy event and I'd rather not ruin my favorite tracks.

I found a bunch of rock mixes on Spotify, but they're all danced up pop-ish covers of the original songs, usually being sung by a really inappropriate girly girl type - here's an example, I wouldn't try it if you're fainted hearted or you really like good music.

The problem with a lot of the online lists is that they seem to be made by people who think that Nickelback is either music or rock, rather than a crime. It's hard to take anything said after that point seriously.

In the end the best playlist I've found so far is this one - Rock/Metal/Hardcore @ workoutsongs.net. Works well for walking with Endomondo and its good angry music for shape boxing, now I just need to find more of the same.

Shame I'm terrible at remembering song names :p

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