Sunday 5 February 2012

Snow Day!

Yesterday the UK was braced for snowmageddon, or possibly the snowpocalypse. I think we're all still traumatised by the snow back in November 2010, when it was really deep and the councils had no grit or plan to deal with said snow. I like that the photos on Wikipedia for that winter are from Sheffield, where the panic was worst due to the hills and the heavy snow on the peaks.

So when we were told there was a 100% chance of snow yesterday we did what the British do so well- went to buy bread and milk. I don't really know why we do that, though back in 2010 the supermarker closest to the M1 (which was closed) did run out of both, OMG! I actually bought chocolate milk, cos it's better than plain and anyway, I don't drink tea :p

The first hour was pretty disappointing.

It picked up a bit later, but didn't get much past this by nightfall.

Fortunately we got enough overnight to make everything pretty but light enough that it isn'gt going to cause the complete breakdown of civilisation.

So we went for a walk in the park.

We have a labyrinth in the park. Not sure why. But it's awesome.

And the wisdom at the centre of the labyrinth? The secret you learn once you've face dangers untold and hardships unnumbered?


The pond is partially frozen, and our neighbour cat is a foolhardy idiot.

Cute little paws though.


Emily Evans said...

It's been so long since I checked LJ, I didn't realise you'd moved. Glad I found you!

Phantoms Siren said...

Hi! Yeah, LJ is dead these days, I still check my friends feed for a couple of communities but there's hardly anything on it any more.