Monday, 23 June 2014

Last ~ Current ~ Next

Last Read
The Dirty Streets of Heaven (Bobby Dollar #1) by Tad Williams. I'm a big fan of Tad Williams' modern fantasies, so I was excited to see that he'd written a classic gumshoe detective story with the twist of added angels. Reminiscent of his War of the Flowers, which I also found to be very good.

Current Read
I'm currently reading a few different books-
Overcoming Depression by Paul Gilbert. I'm reading this for a study into the benefits of self help books, some of seems sensible and some seems like hokum!
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Suzanna Clarke. I'm about 20% of the way through this, so far I'm  enjoying it, it's nice to reminisce about my university city.
The Gospel of Loki by Joanne M Harris. I've been dipping in and out of this one since February, the trickster really drags you along for the ride but I've not been in the mood for mischief recently.

Next Read
I can't decide between-
20 Trillion Leagues Under the Sea by Adam Roberts. I've enjoyed some of his other writing, particularly Yellow Blue Tibia, but others like New Model Army and By Light Alone have had disappointing conclusions.
BooksRapture of the Nerds by Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross. This feels like the sort of book I "should" have read by now, like William Gibson's Neuromancer or Difference Engine, but I fear it'll be beyond my frail mind and disappoint me.


Ioana said...

Ah, another book blog. Love!
I am currently reading a short story collection by Alice Munro. I'm not sure what to think about it yet, though.
I haven't heard of the books reading, I must check them out.

ioana (coming from swap-bot: Blogspot swap)

Christina's Creations said...

OK, I need to know about this book, The Gospel of Loki. Is this really a story about Loki or...??? I assume so since you said the trickster, but one can never be too sure lol! I am a big Loki fan, as in the Norse mythology, and love reading novelizations about him!

Ambelleina on S-B

Unknown said...

Hello :D This is amazing that pepople still reading books. Because people prefer being on internet now :D

sb - natanierrisu

Unknown said...

Hello :D This is amazing that pepople still reading books. Because people prefer being on internet now :D

sb - natanierrisu