I've tried to read Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, which the Lord John sequence is a spin off from, but I found it to be exactly the kind of fluff I'd expected this to be. Time travelling love affair? Yawn. Secretly gay nobleman/military leader solves ridiculous whodunnit? Yes please! This is even more amusing if you read it in the voice of John Barrowman. It's not deep and its neither big nor clever, but it is a lot of fun. We need more historical novels like this!
Even Better 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 10 - Track for Expressing Howls of Pain
I do love Emilie Autumn and her drama. I was going to use a Cradle of Filth track for this one, but I thought the howling there would be a bit too literal.
I haven't read the book but I love Emilie Autumn. She is fantastic.
Yes, yes she is. Amazing live show too.
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