I love Bakerella. Soooo many awesome, beautiful treats. Sadly most of my baking attempts do not turn on as lovely looking as hers. Partially due to laziness i using my iPhone camera for everything instead of my Nikon, partially due to generally cooking failure.
But I fell in love when I saw this project - Cowgirl Cookies - Mix Things Up! I like cookies! I can bake cookies! I can put things in jars! Huzzah!
Unfortunately one thing I don't love is the American cup system of measurement. I know we all get used to the system we grow up with and I'm usually pretty tolerant of wierdnesses, but this one makes no sense to me. How are cups easier than scales? If you're using a cup to measure with (unless you're shoving stuff out of a large container) you have to use a spoon to fill it, have to keep refilling it rather than just measuring once, you have to wash it out repeatedly if you're using wet ingredients and (somehow) I always end up with flour in my shoes. It's frustrating.
Note, if you're going to use the same method, do it properly. Do not assume that a cup of flour is the same weight as a cup of M&Ms. Unless you melt them, M&Ms do not fill all the space in the cup. Same with the chocolate chips and, to a lesser extent, the oats. Guessing won't work. I had three lovely American friends try to work out the measurements without weighing and the guesses varied from the results by as much as 50g.
I couldn't find any seasonal M&Ms, I don't think they exist in the North of England so I bought ordinary M&Ms and spent an hour separating the colours. The pecans are all in the lid space of the jar.
Sadly, my printer refused to co-operate on the labels, and these streaky results were the best I could get.
I did make a half batch of cookies with the left over ingredients, but I forgot to halve the amount of butter and ended up with very tasty, very sticky gloop. Sorry no photos of that :p